Hey, Remember Us?

We're here to help you get a job that you actually like

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Welcome, Interview Army

You might remember us—Interview Army. We probably texted or called you to help get you a job at Amazon or FedEx as a driver or in their warehouse, Wells Fargo in customer service, or one of those fancy startups that everyone’s heard the name of. If you’re drawing a blank and have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it. It’s been a hot minute since we last connected, so I wanted to reach out as we head into the holiday season and let you know what we got going on and how it’ll help you.

Here’s the deal: the job market is complete shit right now. To add insult to injury, searching for a job sucks more than ever before. That’s why we’re here—to make sure you’ve got the inside track on the best opportunities and the best tools and knowledge to actually get them. Whether you’re looking for something that pays more, offers better benefits, or is just a job where you’re simply treated like an actual human being, we’ve got you.

Here’s the main point of the newsletter:

First dibs on new jobs: We’ve got direct lines to companies and startups that pay well, have good benefits, and are looking for people right now.

No BS: No fluff, just the tips, tools, and AI hacks you need to make job searching suck less.

Real talk: The latest news on what’s happening in the job market so you can stay ahead of the game, edge out the competition, and get what you want.

We know job search sucks, but over here at Interview Army, we’re really trying to make it better so you can navigate this mess and come out on top.

So, keep an eye out for our emails. They may have info about your next, actually enjoyable, job.

And of course, act fast on the jobs—no clickbait, they typically fill up pretty quickly, so you don’t want to miss out if you’re thinking about getting your name into the mix.

Welcome to the Interview Army!

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Feedback Time: 

Your Feedback Matters What did you think of today's email? In order to make this newsletter actually useful to you, I need to know what you want to see or learn about.

So, reply to this email with what you want to see.

Thanks for reading. See ya next time. 


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