The top 20 tools you need to get that job

ALSO: How to use them

Here are 20 tools you NEED to use to find a job

Just kidding, you don’t need 20 tools.

Despite there being 40 billion tools out there at this point, you realistically only need 1-3, maybe more depending on other factors like not having a resume yet or whatever. So, don't rely on all of those BS lists that are just trying to boost their SEO. You know what you’re after, so use my suggestions to make the process suck waaaay less.

Now I'll tell you about some of my favorites:

1. ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot
These AI tools are a 100% must-use. They're free and crazy versatile. They can straight-up write your cover letter, resume, emails, and any other annoying part of the application process. And about that "ATS auto-rejecting resumes" stuff you may have heard about, that's not real, so don't believe the hype. Try these out for yourself and see how they can help. Seriously, sign up today and try it. I guarantee it will improve your life in at least 1 way.

2. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is is definitely one of the most important tools you should utilize. The best part about LinkedIn is not only can you see real people at the company, but unlike job boards, it makes you a real person instead of just words on a piece of paper. So, if you know what you want or see that a company is hiring, find the hiring manager and reach out to them here.

3. Indeed
Here's the short version: use Indeed to see what's out there, then go to LinkedIn to reach out to someone directly. I actually got my start in the industry working at Indeed, so I know the ins and outs of this company. If you want to see pretty much all of the jobs on the internet, come here. However, going back to the previous point, the major problems with Indeed is that you're only a resume in a giant swamp full of em. Also, they aggregate every job out there, so they definitely have jobs for companies that may not be actively hiring for. So, use Indeed for research, then reach out to someone on LinkedIn. You can even use ChatGPT to craft your outreach message!

4. Glassdoor
This provides what everyone wants to know about job postings—what the pay is. Also shows things like company reviews from real employees or past employees, insight on the actual interview process and what questions may come up, and a bunch of other stuff. Really gives you a good peak behind the curtain.

4. Monster/CareerBuilder
These two actually just merged into one company and they're only on here because they're old school, you know what you're getting, and you can guarantee that any posting you see on here is from an employer that's actually hiring right now. No ghost-jobs or anything like that. Very reliable in that way.

5. Wellfound (Previously known as
If you're interested in working at a startup, AngelList the place to go. A job board exclusively for startups.

6. Teal
First, they have a free tier. It basically provides a jobs tracker and helps create custom resumes for each listing with AI matching to the job description if you want to use that. It can track status as well as contacts and notes so that all your research and follow-ups are all in one place.

I honestly don't know much about this. I just found out about them, signed up and tried it out, and it honestly seems pretty cool. It uses AI to match you with jobs based on your resume. It can also customize your resume for any job you want to apply for. It seems free, too. So, if you want a more modern, AI incorporated Indeed-type of tool, try this out.


I may update this list as time goes by, things change, and better tools come out, but this should cover all the bases for now.

Navigating the job market is a pain in the ass. It's thankless, exhausting, redundant, and can truthfully crush your soul. But with these free tools at your disposal, hopefully, you'll be well-equipped to find and secure your next job.

And if you think, for a second, that you're not qualified to work at a fancy startup or a place where you have to wear a suit. Shut up, you are. If you want my take on how to make sure you're qualified for those jobs, check out this post: [link to post].

Got questions? Let me know. I'm here to help if I can.

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TL;DR: Discover the top tools for job seekers, including LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and more, to enhance your job search, optimize your resume, and prepare for interviews.


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